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By david from clinton twp.
Some of our arbovitae branches are hanging down more than the others and seem like they're seperated from eachother can you tell me what might cause this? We have treated all of the arborvitaes the same and most of them are upright and tight. they are all nice and green.
The branches on Arbrovitae can spread due to wind, water (especially sprinklers and rain coming off a house), snow, and many other factors. It is common for the plants that are nearest the ends to have the most branches seperating.
The best thing that you can do is to wrap the tree. There is tree wrap that can be purchased.
You may also want to try and find what is causing it and see if there is a way you can fix that problem.
The best thing that you can do is to wrap the tree. There is tree wrap that can be purchased.
You may also want to try and find what is causing it and see if there is a way you can fix that problem.
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